Achieve’s 2024 Fall Fundraiser has Record Number of Guests

On Wednesday, October 16th, 2024, Achieve Services held its annual Fall Fundraiser at a new-to-us venue, Infinite Campus. The venue was beautiful and bigger and made it possible for us to have one hundred more guests than last year at about 370 people, including 63 participants! Guests enjoyed a BBQ pulled-pork sandwich dinner, program, games, raffles, DJ and dancing.
Not only was the event a huge success with record-breaking attendance, the event raised a little more than $112,000 for Achieve Services! Thank you to all who attended, sponsored, volunteered, and/or supported our Fall Fundraiser!
At the event we also recognized staff member, Ben Seeling, presenting him with our Starfish Award. The Starfish Award is given to a staff member who has gone above and beyond in making a difference at Achieve. Congratulations to Ben for receiving this year’s award and for all his wonderful work at Achieve.
We also introduced our new Activity and Life Enrichment Coordinator, Ryan Stoa. Our 2024 Spring Gala helped fund that new role and program, and it’s been off to a great start. Funds raised from this Fall Fundraiser will help fund our Activity and Life Enrichment program, allowing us to continue provide and expand activities like art projects, cooking classes, supplies, and outings to various activities in the community.
Did you miss our Fall Fundraiser but would still like to support Achieve Services? You can make a donation by visiting