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Achieve Clean
Visit the Achieve Clean site to see how you can partner with our cause while getting a really good laundry detergent.
Hire Our Workforce
Are you a business owner or manager who is thinking of hiring an employee with a disability?
There are 54 million Americans with disabilities and nearly 30 percent of American families have at least one member with a disability. Working with Achieve can help your business grow and offer you access to a dedicated workforce, tax benefits, and positive publicity.
Here's How to Get Started
Contact Us
Interested in finding out how you can hire an Achieve worker?
Contact Pete Schlichtmann:
Match your needs with our workforce
Discover how our workforce can help your business succeed.
Feel good and win big
Not only are you contributing to the community in a meaningful way, your business will benefit and grow.
Why Hire a Worker with a Disability?
Cost Effective Wages
In some cases employers pay workers based on the amount of tasks completed.
Time-Effective Task Management
Workers with disabilities complete specific job tasks, freeing other employees to spend their time on more complex tasks.
Reliable Workers
Studies show that workers with disabilities rated an average of 90 percent or better in job performance. Research also shows that workers with disabilities do not have increased absenteeism.
Reduced Hiring and Training Costs
Training is provided by Achieve job coaches at no cost to the employer.
Tax Benefits
There are several tax incentives available for businesses hiring workers with disabilities. These include the Work Opportunity Tax Credit, the Disabled Access Credit, and the Architectural Barrier Removal Tax Deduction.
Improved Public Perception
87% of consumers report that they would prefer to give their business to a company that employs people with disabilities.
Increased Workplace Morale
Employers report that workers with disabilities increase the work ethic and morale of other employees at the workplace.
Work We Do in the Community
Nearly 50% of Achieve participants work in the community. We match available jobs to the workers whose abilities and interests fit the requirements and offer training and coaching to ensure they are successful. Workers are available from only a few hours a week to every day in a work week, depending on your company’s needs.
Work We Do In-House
Achieve has a full-service workshop in Blaine with capabilities to pick up and drop off contracted work. We work with businesses to provide accurate and efficient completion of a variety of jobs. Achieve maintains a high level of standards for work quality and can offer competitive pricing to your business without jeopardizing quality. Some of the work we’ve done recently:
Achieve Services, Inc. offers convenient, secure, low-cost, and environmentally friendly document shredding services for businesses and individuals. We transport your papers in locked containers to our private shredding room to ensure that all of your documents remain confidential. We recycle all of our shredded paper which helps the environment and reduces the amount of paper that ends up in a landfill.
Businesses and individuals can drop off shredding at our building or for more frequent shredding needs, secured containers and pick-up is also available.
More Information
Interested in finding out how you can benefit from using our workforce?
Contact Pete Schlichtmann: