
CBE employment - (6)

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    Life Enrichment & Skills Training

CBE employment - (6)



At your admission meeting, the support team will discuss your goals for the future and create your Individual Plan. Your team will meet with you at least once per year, but often teams choose to meet more frequently to discuss how things are going and to make any changes you want to your plan.

Foam Bricks

Employment Services

Community Based


Nearly half of Achieve participants chose to work in paying jobs in the community. Participants in community-based employment may work with a job coach who provides training and helps participants work toward increased independence at their job site.

Participants in community-based employment may be at a job site alone or work in a group of other participants. We work with a number of business partners that provide a variety of opportunities and work to match individuals with jobs that fit their abilities and interests.



Participants may choose to work in our production area for a variety of reasons. The production area offers flexibility and opportunities for participants to earn a paycheck, offers a safety net for participants who are between jobs in the community, and helps participants build skills. Jobs include assembly, packaging, and preparing products.

Life enrichment and Skills Training

Participating in community outings, volunteering with organizations like Feed My Starving Children and Meals on Wheels, and arts and music activities give participants opportunities to interact with the greater community and develop skills needed to increase their independence. Achieve also offers individualized training in a variety of skills areas to increase participation in daily life including personal living skills, communication skills, adaptive behavior, vocational skills, and social skills. Our 2024 gala helped fund a new role at Achieve and we’re excited to announce that we hired Achieve's first Activity and Life Enrichment Coordinator to enhance and grow our life enrichment programming.

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    175+ participants involved in Achieve Services.

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    Just under half of our participants work in the community.

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    We have provided a workforce for more than 50 local businesses