Support our Mission
Support us financially
Your donation ensures we can meet the growing gap between what Achieve receives through government assistance and the true cost of providing opportunities to enrich the lives of adults with disabilities. Consider becoming a monthly sustainer to ensure that Achieve has sustainable, reliable community support.

Other ways to support Achieve:
Fill out this form to donate now
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Achieve's future
Your choice to include Achieve Services, Inc. in your will or other deferred giving tool ensures that we are able to meet the future needs of adults with disabilities. Anyone can make a planned gift at any age. By letting us know you plan to make a legacy gift to Achieve Services, we can make sure to honor your wishes for how you’d like the gift designated and recognize your generosity.
You can also choose to make a gift now or in the future to the Achieve Endowment Fund. All gifts to this fund help Achieve work toward our goal of increased financial self-sufficiency.

an In-Kind Gift
In-kind (non-cash) gifts help reduce the cost of operating expenses. We are currently in need of art supplies, copy paper, and accessible equipment in good working order. Please call or email first to make sure your donation is something we will accept.

in Fundraising Events
Participate in Achieve’s fundraising events and receive benefits! You can become a sponsor, purchase tickets, donate an auction or raffle item, and/or spread the word. The Spring Gala and Fall Fundraiser offer opportunities to elevate your company’s brand, network with other professionals, and support adults with disabilities. Contact Brooke at [email protected] to inquire more.

ways to give
For more information on how you can support Achieve Services, contact our Development Director, Brooke Jensen, at [email protected] or 763-717-7801.
Send a cash or check donation to:
Achieve Services
1201 89th Ave NE, #1100
Blaine, MN 55434Check with your employer
to see if they will match your donation.
Support Achieve Services
on Give to the Max Day in November.
Annual Reports and 990's
Privacy Policy
We will not sell, share or trade our donors’ names or personal information with any other entity, nor send mailings to our donors on behalf of other organizations.
This policy applies to all information received by Achieve Services, Inc., both online and offline, on any platform (“platform” includes Achieve Services, Inc.’s website), as well as any electronic, written, or oral
To the extent any donations are processed through a third-party service provider, our donors’ information will only be used for purposes necessary to process the donation.